Aligned Health Practice offers a variety of services to support your employees, students, athletes, and participants. There is no denying the fact that poor health can be have negative repercussions in a group setting:
Higher healthcare costs for a corporation and its employees. Recent research reports 50% of company profits today are being spent on healthcare costs.
Poor performance of athletes
Lack of focus in students.
The list goes on....
With the rise in obesity and risk factors for chronic disease, we are seeing a rise in health insurance claims, absenteeism, and decreased productivity; being unhealthy is a huge financial burden.
Aligned Health Practice can help!
Research suggests that 50% of corporate costs are spent on healthcare. Let our practitioners customize education materials and interactive programs to help your employees! Studies also show that for every $1 spent in wellness, $4 is saved in healthcare costs. Don't let poor health be a financial burden to your employees or the company.
Get in touch with us to formulate a plan best suited for you and your employees.
Lunch & Learns are a convenient and cost-effective way to reach a large number of individuals. Classes bring people together in an open environment and help them support each other in making positive choices. These can be offered conveniently on Zoom or in-person.
One of our practitioners will prepare a 1- hour interactive presentation of your choosing!
Possible topics include:
Optimizing Recovery
Sustainable Weight Loss
Myth Busters (pick health myths and we will bust them with evidence!)
Heart Healthy Lifestyle
Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition
Stress Management
SMART Goal Setting
Meal Planning and Prep
Active Aging
Cooking demonstrations
Have something else in mind? No problem! Get in touch and let us know what you want.
This is perfect for any group looking to facilitate comradery while improving the health of its participants. Our health challenges are fun, interactive, and come packed with resources and educational materials. Throughout the challenge, our practitioners will offer your participants support.
All challenges track the metrics of your choosing, such as body fat percentage, lab values (hemoglobin A1c, cholesterol, etc), hip-to-waist ratio, etc.
Is your organization hosting a wellness fair or athletic event? Aligned Health Practice can come and setup an interactive table that captures the attention of attendees. We can bring assessment tools and offer free on-the-spot measurements, such as circumferences, blood pressure, or metabolic rate. Our practitioners will be present to offer nutrition and fitness tips to those with questions.
Email us and let us know when your next event will take place.